The 1st time I did not feel sad to leave or feel bad for going back in the last minute . Nothing much to miss , no reunion or official gatherings for the year; met with a lots of people that I did not know; met with a lots of people that I did not know them but they knew me; met with a lots of people that I know but I can't recall .
It was a rush holiday. The day before leaving was with a blur mind, and the day which back to the hell city was with a blur mind and exhausted body . A busy and uncertain year shall kick start by tomorrow.
Water dragon year was so happening where there were 6 raining days out of 7 days.
I couldn't remember when did I slept but every morning panadol saved my days . Drink , sleep , gambling were my activities throughout the weeks ... LOLzz ..
Wishing prosperity and happiness shall come . 正所谓 : 财源滚滚来,事业顺顺顺,福气旺旺旺,财气飙飙飙,桃花朵朵开,身材棒棒棒,友情乐浓浓. Gong hei fatt choi ! HUAT ~
CNY 2nd day- my ♥ cousin-cousin sekalian
♥ bff

the least people perhaps I just realized I am real fatty shorty :~
baking for cny ~

I know I am very fat ...
called the last minute gathering .. ended up with the best attendance result over the years


2nd round went to clubbing till late ...the next morning was continue with lami .. until 3 hours before boarding ..
The day I went back from KL was with a blur mind ; the day I left , which was the day after the gathering above, was with a super duper blur mind + exhausted body . I feel my soul was dissociated with my body .... but I ♥ . Days without stress ; night without doubts . Just play .
After I returned to KL, I don't know how to drive. I used to be a passenger. I cannot wake up at a.m. , I cannot sleep at p.m.. GOSH ! Hell busy stressful city lifestyle . That is why I addicted to happy hour & K session now .... typical wanderer .

the least people perhaps

♥ nieces & nephews


2nd round went to clubbing till late ...the next morning was continue with lami .. until 3 hours before boarding ..
The day I went back from KL was with a blur mind ; the day I left , which was the day after the gathering above, was with a super duper blur mind + exhausted body . I feel my soul was dissociated with my body .... but I ♥ . Days without stress ; night without doubts . Just play .
After I returned to KL, I don't know how to drive. I used to be a passenger. I cannot wake up at a.m. , I cannot sleep at p.m.. GOSH ! Hell busy stressful city lifestyle . That is why I addicted to happy hour & K session now .... typical wanderer .
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