

Who's on the line

Friday, June 2, 2006


it is true , STPM is tough ; it is true , SPM , PMR , UPSR are a piece of cake . but after stpm , if im in university ,n i look back , i would shout on those f6 students or lower .. OMG .. STPM IS JUST LIKE WATER OK ?  well .. im sure many ppl could understand . im just f6 student now , however , when i look back my spm , i still feelin , gosh .. so tough nia .. i cant rmb how im survive from tat .. 12 subjects ... fainted .  im not a A-lvl student , i duno how tough/easy is tat . if some1 said in a-lvl , 6 tests per month , i experienced it . maybe .. twice a week ? once a week ? more than enuf . STPM is my nightmare , since the 1st day i stepped in my f6 sch , i know my nightmare is begin . if i could choose again , i will never enter f6 , 1st month , my frens asked me to go to college , 2nd month .. yr end , 1st month in upper .. n now still , thr is ppl ask me to go to my way .haha .. im still in my f6 sch ya right now .. so struggle to make the decision . if im not very well in study [ not reli so so well too but can be better ] , maybe i will go to study computer science , b.admin , , hotel .. bla bla .. those courses .. simpler life , simpler way . if u wan to argue that those courses have their own difficulty too , yes , im agree , but doctor / lawyer , will it easier compared with it ??  i ever think to advice all of the ppl around me do not enter to f6 , even my lower junior now , especially bio students . but they r sturborn too ya .. well nvm . but when i look into myself , one yr ago , im just like them , so naive .. come to sch daily without direction [ maybe they got ya , but im sure they r naive too ^^ ] actually i have my direction , but it will be a dream coz in f6 this way i might not be able to archieve it . 1st month in my lower my new classmates keep busy change class  , change course , change school .. all ran away .. just becoz our teachers' words . but they r correct . however , if all of us inside f6 could choose , we wont inside thr right now . still , i cant adapt myself in this f6's life , it changed a lot in my life . maybe u would say , entering f6 is not consist of disadvantages only but advantages too . but for me , wat i got from f6 , the disadvantages r more than advantages . wat i lost more than wat i get . this is wat can i say . im not a physics student , i duno how hard is that 2 books , i duno whr to go after finish stpm with phy sub , most on engineerin courses .. erm .. not reli sure about tat . but for bio , most on medical , research ...  those related to BIOLOGY . im phobia with it ^^ but i still have to go with it .honestly im sure i wont be able to get the certain course i wan in certain local u . m i choosy ? i think i am , but whos not ? m i arrogant ? i think i am , but my frens , family , teachers , mates .. so on keep on encourage me .. or they r fooling me ? no idea , quite confusing too .. many ppl as i saw , as i know , when their stpm result out , n they could not get the courses / local u they wan , they would choose the other way round . maybe course they don like , local u they don1 , local u / courses which all of his/her gang goin to ../omg .. it is a big mistake in life i think . even now , in my class , some of them came into f6 maybe just bcoz their gang all in it .. maybe they r hardworking , they have their dream , but they do always dream before exam , sorry if offence , but as u r stpm right now , or ex-stpm ,  u would know , it is impossible to 'digest' all the things inside ur head in a day before ur papers come , m i correct ? maybe im the only1 who hope for better result , im the1 who greedy , but who do not hope better result ? human r greedy ya .. except those ppl who easily give up so they just feelin , aiya , ngam2 pass , nvm la .. not bad too , atleast not in RED .. some ppl could digest it so that they can get pass in the tests . but if that is their aim in f6 , well .. none of my biznez , but as they are my classmates , im sincerely would like to encourage them o give them a hand [ not let then to copy ] ,but do advice them earlier . some ppl might said too , stpm is relax , juz look at me .. but the1 u look at , s/he is physically relax , but behind tat , maybe he study very hard daily , sleep only 3hrs ; or his/her result is so so ' pretty good ' . 2 kind of ppl in f6 . hmm .. me .. i play hard , i stduy hard .. LoL .. there is also classmates play hard all the time .. i think mostly .. they study hard too , exam season ^^ some of them include me are so pity , just do not have the other way to go , n then went into f6  .this is wat old folks talked about , ' every home has their own bible ' .  sigh .. too many things to say about my f6 life .. n i think not reli much ppl could understand it .. my advice is if u choose , do ur best , no regret . maybe it will a wrong way for u , but ur life is still long , it wont judge/ fix  ur whole life .


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