

Who's on the line

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

get ready

wAKS! holiday so fast finished !! still in holiday mood nehh .. but .. the 6 months left shud be finished faster too .. it is time to back to study mood ! just warm up .. shud be happy to back to sch ? i never feeeling happy to back to school .. muahaha .. maybe shud be tension a bit . wondering the 1st how is the assembly , quite curious how the lower gonna die , i swear i will never help them , some i would , those who tot they better enuf , hoping them to suffer till the end .. wondering hows th exam paper , well well .. failed with a super duper marks~ even do not fail , but .. hmm ... not as good as where too :p sigh .. live peace :) get the right way the better of better .. a za a za fighting


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