

Who's on the line

Saturday, August 19, 2006


i could feel it is coming , what is coming ? STPM lor .. ermm .. maybe i should say something that is in my life's third turning point . well .. although i always said that it does not a big probelm , but if i can did well , it will be a big good result for me .. but how good is good leh ? i doubt . many ppl said i didnt work as hard as i should/ i could , but i feel i done my best wor .. i just dont want to be too stress , it is really tension and i try to make it easy , im just do what my ability afford to do , yeah , i can do better , why dont i ? cause i  dont want my life so tension lor .. it is mentally stress ok ? nobody knows how hard you every try , but they just physically see how bad are you , keep blaming or critic , but they never think another way round , i might did worse than now . sigh .. but  i really could feel the coming of it . i want to work hard from now !! i'll never know how much , how hard i did , but i have no regret before and after cause i already did what i afford to do , compared to other or not , i feel im more lucky and hardworking , there is nothing can destory your life or your future because it is in your hand and there are still many roads and ways in front of us , why should we think it negatively ?  i believe , if we never give up , there are still chances . you might miss it once , but there are still many in front of us , as long as you never regret the chances you had miss out . i hold my chance now , i never give up and i keep climbing up , i never want to miss it  ,  im chasing it ..  my responsibility , my chance , my target , my greedy , my priority .. STPM phobia , STPM nightmare , im sure would beat it down with my best try .. i have no fear .. lets work together buddies ~


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